25th Indoor High Jump Championship


(In memory of Milena Hübnerová)

World athletics INDOOR TOUR SILVER

Certified meeting of Czech athletic federation


Hustopeče city with cooperation of TJ Agrotec Hustopeče and SK Atletika Hustopeče and SPOZAM Hustopeče

Event date and time:

Thursday, February 6th 2025 - starts at 9.00 AM

Saturday, February 8th 2025 - starts at 9.30 AM


Hustopeče Sporthall, Šafaříkova street (after you exit the D2 highway- 3rd exit at roundabout -follow the main road.

After 150 m turn left, the swimming pool and the stadium should be on your left-hand side)

Contest categories:

U13 (born 2012 - 2013)

U15 (born 2010 - 2011)

U18 (born 2008 - 2009)

Juniors-U20 (born 2006 - 2007)

Men and women (born 2005 and before)

Categories Men A and Women A is for invitation only.


Písemné přihlášky posílejte na e-mailovou adresu: hustopecskeskakani@seznam.cz.

Each team should send their applications from from 13th January till 5th February 2025 till 6 p.m. (U13, U15, U18) and 13th January till 6th February 2025 till 6 p.m. (juniors U20, women, men) to hustopecskeskakani@seznam.cz or categories U18, juniors U20, women, men to andrea.cejnkova@gmail.com.

Competition entry:

Free participation to all categories of the competition.

PLEASE READ CAREFFULLY!! (you can find all the information under category NEWS or DOWNLOADS)


Presentation begins at 8.15 AM on Thursday 6th February 2025 and 8.30 AM on Saturday 8th January 2025 at sporthall. Presentations close 10 minutes before the start of each category.


General athletics rules and regulations are to be followed as well as the designated timetables.


Any and all costs are to be paid by the contestants or by their respective organizations.


  • There are two male and female changing rooms. You are kindly requested to leave the changing room after the end of your competition.
  • Please, enter the gym area only with clean shoes.
  • Please, observe the applicable epidemiological measures.

Timetable and starting heights:

Tuesday, 6th February 2025

08:15                        PRESENTATIONS

09:00                       U13 GIRLS                                 105 cm

10:00                       U13 BOYS                                   110 cm

11:15                         U15 GIRLS                                  115 cm

12:15                         U15 BOYS                                  125 cm

13:30                        U18 GIRLS                                  135 cm

14:30                        U18 BOYS                                   155 cm

Saturday, 8th February 2025

08:35                        PRESENTATIONS

09:30                        U20 JUNIORS WOMEN          144 cm

10:30                         U20 JUNIORS MEN                 169 cm

11:30                         WOMEN B                                 149 cm

13:00                          MEN B                                       189 cm

16:30                         WOMEN A                                 172 cm

19:00                         MEN A                                        207 cm

The organizers reserve the rights to alter or change the timetable, jumping categories, and the base heights according to the final number of contestants.

Technical regulations:

  • Spikes of maximum 9 mm in length are allowed on the synthetic track
  • All other surfaces are wood-paneled, wearing jumping shoes outside the track area is strictly prohibited
  • Contestants are allowed to bring their own musical background recorded on CDs for their attempts, please inform the technicians when you arrive


The first three winning contestants of each category will receive event awards and prices. Starting from the junior category and higher, price money will also be awarded. Final results are to be determined according to the rules of athletics. The director and the jury will rule the final decision in case of any disputes.

Monetary prizes:

PLACE               JUNIORS, WOMEN B                 MEN B

GOLD                       1 000 CZK                           2 000 CZK

SILVER                      600 CZK                             1 500 CZK

BRONZE                   400 CZK                             1 000 CZK

Price money will be awarded only when four or more contestants jump in each respective category. Prices are to be divided in case of a shared ranking.


Record holders of the Hustopečské skákání:

U13 boys             Daniel Kolečník, SG Brno                      170 cm      1999

U15 boys             Daniel Kolečník, SG Brno                       201 cm      2001

U18 boys             Sam Brereton, Great Britain                  209 cm      2019

Junior men         Jaroslav Bába, SSK Vítkovice                230 cm      2003

Men                      Ivan Uchov, Rusko                                  238 cm      2011

                              Gianmarco Tamberi, Itálie                     238 cm      2016

U13 girls              Jana Novotná, JAC Brno                        160 cm       2012

U15 girls              Eliška Buchlovská, JAC Brno                171 cm        2013

                              Jana Novotná, JAC Brno                       171 cm        2013

U18 girls              Klára Krejčiříková, AK Olymp Brno      189 cm       2019

Junior women    Yaroslava Mahuchikh, Ukraine             199 cm       2019 (JWR)

Women               Ariane Friedrich, Německo                   200 cm      2009